About the Dabblers

Growing up on the edges focused my attention on the natural world. Walks along dirt roads brought discoveries of eco-systems in ditches where monarch, Polyphemus and cecropia caterpillars thrived. A neighbor’s woods blanketed every spring with wildflowers begged me to learn their names and return each year to revel in their abundance.
Discovering that richness now requires a fair amount of effort as habitat is stripped or manicured to satisfy someone’s idea of “beauty”.
My art is a layperson’s attempt to reflect the beauty so eloquently expressed in nature. Hopefully, it has captured the essence, if not the form and will speak to those who walk many paths today.
My pictures begin with a photograph of something that grabs my attention. I draw from the photograph, then use acrylic paint in a watercolor style to complete the picture.

Wood is a marvel and a mystery. I enjoy finding the right wood grain and showing off in my works. Wood is one of the miracles of the natural world, which I hope to bring out for all to enjoy in functional and art pieces.
After many years of working with my brain, doing software engineering and large scale computer systems, it’s a joy to be working with my hands and being able to see/feel how things work. With a touch of the digital in photography of Susan’s drawings, graphic design on our web site and someday a laser marquetry, I have just enough of that brain work from my 1st career to satisfy that part of me. My focus now is on classical styles of art & crafts, queen anne and marquetry.